Astro Hackaton - Server Side Rendering
Helloo!, my name is Tomás and this is my first time participating in a hackathon <3
This project is thought so that users can “generate the content” of the site: creating an account (these will be listed on the home page), modifying their profile and being able to write comments on any profile
url: https://tomas-duclos-ssr-astro.vercel.appHow to run this project on local?
You need clone this project with:
git clone
then, go to “ssr-astro” folder and write in the terminal
npm install
Before to run the project you need a PostgreSQL database and cloudinary account for some environment variables.
# .env file on root folder
once the environment variables are filled, you can run it
any questions you can contact me by discord (Tomas#7018), I will be happy to help you <3
Routes (Pages)
There are 5 pages which can be visited, some are public and others protected
/ (Public) => index page which show all registered users in the database
/profile?user=username (Public) => profile page, the “user” query is necessary to be able to get the account data and display it
/auth/sign-in (Protected) => sign in page, can only be accessed if you are not logged in
/auth/sign-up (Protected) => sign up page, can only be accessed if you are not logged in
/settings (Protected) => settings page, can only be accessed if you are logged, here you can edit your account data displayed on your profile
When share your profile will have an og img custom with your: Name, username and profile picture. The image will be regenerated every time the account is edited.
You can write a comment to any profile!
Home page