Astro Hackathon Showcase

🧪 astro-i18next

An astro integration of i18next + some utility components to help you translate your astro websites!

Status [beta version]

You can use it, and feedback is welcome! As integrations in Astro are still experimental, note that some breaking changes may be still introduced during this phase.

Getting started

1. Install

npm install astro-i18next

2. Configure

  1. Add astro-i18next to your astro.config.mjs:

    import { defineConfig } from "astro/config";
    import astroI18next from "astro-i18next";
    export default defineConfig({
      experimental: {
        integrations: true,
      integrations: [
          resourcesPath: "./src/locales/",
          i18nextConfig: {
            debug: true,
            fallbackLng: ["en", "fr"],
            supportedLngs: ["en", "fr"],
  2. Create a locales folder containing the translation strings as JSONs (the files must be named with the language code):

    ├-- locales          # astro-i18next will load all supported locales
    |   |-- en.json      # english translation strings
    |   â””-- fr.json      # french translation strings
    â””-- pages
        |-- [lang].astro # you may add a dynamic route to generate language routes
        â””-- index.astro  # route for base language (first element in fallbackLng)

3. Start translating

You’re all set! You may now start translating your website by using i18next’s t function or the Trans component depending on your needs.

Here’s a quick tutorial to get you going:

// src/pages/index.astro
import i18next, { t } from "i18next";
import { Trans } from "astro-i18next/components";

// Use i18next's changeLanguage() function to change the language

<html lang={i18next.language}>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
    <meta name="description" content={t("site.description")} />
      <Trans i18nKey="home.subtitle">
        This is a <em>more complex</em> string to translate, mixed with <strong
          >html elements
        </strong> such as a <a href="">a cool link</a>!
// src/locales/en.json
  "site": {
    "title": "My awesome website!",
    "description": "Here is the description of my awesome website!"
  "home": {
    "title": "Welcome to my awesome website!",
    "subtitle": "This is a <0>more complex</0> string to translate, mixed with <1>html elements</1>, such as a <2>a cool link</2>!"
// src/locales/fr.json
  "site": {
    "title": "Mon super site web !",
    "description": "Voici la description de mon super site web !"
  "home": {
    "title": "Bienvenue sur mon super site web !",
    "subtitle": "Ceci est une chaine de charactères <0>plus compliquée</0> à traduire, il y a des <1>éléments html</1>, comme <2>un super lien</2> par exemple !"

For a more exhaustive example, see the example astro website.

Utility components

Trans component

A component that takes care of interpolating its children with the translation strings. Inspired by react-i18next’s Trans component.

import { Trans } from "astro-i18next/components";

<Trans i18nKey="sampleKey">
  An <a href="" title="Astro website">astro</a> integration of
  <a href="" title="i18next website">i18next</a> and utility
  components to help you translate your astro websites!
// fr.json
  "superCoolKey": "Une intégration <0>astro</0> d'<1>i18next</1> + quelques composants utilitaires pour vous aider à traduire vos sites astro !"

Trans Props

Prop nameTypeDescription
i18nKeystringInternationalization key to interpolate to

LanguageSelector component

Unstyled custom select component to choose amongst supported locales.

import { LanguageSelector } from "astro-i18next/components";

<LanguageSelector baseLanguage="en" className="my-select-class" />

LanguageSelector Props

Prop nameTypeDescription
baseLanguagestringlanguage code that translations are based off of (will redirect to / instead of /[language-code])
showFlag?booleanchoose to display the language emoji before language name (defaults to false)
className?stringclass attribute for the <select> tag to customize it


Code released under the MIT License.

Copyright (c) 2022-present, Yassine Doghri (@yassinedoghri)