Astro Hackathon Showcase

Astro GUI

Manage your Astro project using graphical interface. Inspired by Vue CLI GUI.


  1. Install astro-gui

    # Using npm
    npm i astro-gui
    # Using yarn
    yarn add astro-gui
    # Using pnpm
    pnpm add astro-gui
  2. Add the integration to integrations property in your astro.config.mjs file

    // astro.config.mjs
    import astroGUI from 'astro-gui';
    export default {
        // ...
        integrations: [astroGUI()],
  3. Add the following to your astro.config.mjs file

    // astro.config.mjs
    export default {
        // ...
        vite: {
            ssr: {
                external: ['preferred-pm', 'execa'],
  4. Parts of the dashboard UI is built using SolidJS

    Install solid (Detailed instructions)

    # Using npm
    npx astro add solid
    # Using yarn
    yarn astro add solid
    # Using pnpm
    pnpx astro add solid
  5. Parts of the dashboard UI also requires SSR

    5.1. Install node adapter (Detailed instructions)

    # Using npm
    npm i @astrojs/node
    # Using yarn
    yarn add @astrojs/node
    # Using pnpm
    pnpx add @astrojs/node

    5.2. Add the adapter to adapter property in your astro.config.mjs file

    // astro.config.mjs
    import nodejs from '@astrojs/node';
    export default {
        // ...
        adapter: nodejs(),
  6. Currently you have to start the server using --experimental-integrations flag

    // package.json
        // ...
        "scripts": {
            // ...
            "dev": "astro dev --experimental-integrations",
            "start": "astro dev --experimental-integrations",



Your package manager for the project is automatically detect, but in case you need to change it

Supported values - 'npm' | 'yarn' | 'pnpm'

// astro.config.mjs
import astroGUI from 'astro-gui';

export default {
    integrations: [astroGUI({
        packageManager: 'yarn',

Getting started

The dashboard UI is built using Astro itself. That means all the files making up the whole GUI are generated and copied directly in your project for you to freely modify.


Generated files

├── public
│   └── assets
│       └── astro-gui
│           ├── clipboard.svg
│           ├── deno.svg
│           ├── lit.svg
│           ├── netlify.svg
│           ├── node.svg
│           ├── partytown.svg
│           ├── preact.svg
│           ├── react.svg
│           ├── sitemap.svg
│           ├── solid.svg
│           ├── svelte.svg
│           ├── tailwind.svg
│           ├── terminal.svg
│           ├── turbolinks.svg
│           ├── vercel.svg
│           └── vue.svg
└── src
    ├── components
    │   └── astro-gui
    │       ├── AddButton.tsx
    │       ├── CopyButton.tsx
    │       └── ToastItem.tsx
    ├── data
    │   └── astro-gui
    │       └── integrations.ts
    ├── layouts
    │   └── astro-gui
    │       └── BaseLayout.astro
    └── pages
        └── astro-gui
            └── integrations.astro

What comes after the hackathon

There are a lot of possibilities for which direction this project could go, what features could be supported. Sky really is the limit here. Some example that come to mind: